September 8th
We set off for Lossiemouth and decided to take the back road via Kinloss and Burghead, a far nicer drive than the rat race that can be the A96, it was beautiful day anyway and as we neared Lossie, we decided it was time to eat so stopped in at Twenty Nineteen Coffee. Good call. A wee bit expensive but really good food and friendly service, we're so often disappointed these days, definitely not here, loved it.
Appetites satisfied, we decided to stop off at the Royal Navy heritage centre to park, knowing it's not open weekdays, one day I'll get there for a visit. :)

Covesea lighthouse and abandoned farm building
You can walk from the centre car park down a path and onto the beautiful West beach, yes, there are two beaches at Lossiemouth, guess what the other is known as? ;)
You should also know that Lossiemouth is home to the RAF and one of two QRA, Quick Reaction Alert stations so, it can be noisy but impressive if you're into that stuff.

RAF Typhoon fighter on circuit
As I said earlier, it was a glorious day so we stripped off our shoes and walked Westward in the shallows, such a great feeling, paddling your feet in the sea, we walked a mile along the shore only meeting around five other people, this end of the beach tends to be quieter than nearer town, which is nice! :)
There were a lot of seals out on the Skerries, a rocky reef not far off shore and plenty gulls bobbing around on the surf with a few Guillemot fishing just offshore, sadly a dozen or more washed up dead, Bird Flu I'd guess, such a waste.
I did spot a flock of Sanderling wandering the Surfline ahead of us, they're very good at staying just far enough away!
I did manage to get a few decent shots, including this one staring at me like it was saying "sod off" with your camera!

Sanderling stare

Sanderling keeping one flap ahead
It was great to see these wee birds actually quite close and in great light, I got drenched lying on the wet sand trying to get a good low shot.

Solo Sanderling poking around in the damp sand

Sanderling a little bit closer
The others have of course given up and are now walking ahead while I lie on wet sand trying to get close shots of wee waders!

These were a first for me, never been able to get close enough before, all this has done is whet my appetite for more photos of them, next opportunity.
So we wandered back along the shore, lapping up the sunshine, the peace and quiet and soaking our feet.
Drying off and socks on again, we jumped in the car for the drive back, it's up to an hours drive home but what a fabulous day so far.