Well, it's June already, the year is flying by. We zipped up to collect mum and bring her back down, she was off to Paris for a few days, so, we didn't stop, just up and back the same day. June 26th though we had stopped for the night so I got a wander along the shore. I miss it when I don't get a visit and a walk around the area. So I parked up by the sports field entrance and walked to the shore where I met a father and son pair who were on a trip from S Africa and looking for specific birds. I offered them my limited knowledge of the area to try and tick some of their list, hope they got some of them.
I headed along the shore towards the fort, there were quite a few "little brown jobs" whizzing around but none stopping long enough for photos until I got to the whins near the fort green.

A young Meadow Pipit landed in front of me then stayed put as I walked by, looked like a younger bird to me?

I'm only guessing young because there's a bit of yellow along the beak still but happy if anyone knows better :)
I didn't see much else at all as I wandered along to the ramp and down to the shore, a few waders out on the flats but as I got closer to the 'pond' it became obvious that there were young Common Gulls around, lots of screeching and diving from the adults.

Must have been a dozen or more scattered along the pebbles so I backed off and went round by the buildings to leave them alone.
Three young Eiders were swimming off the shore there and I spotted another male over by the point, I also saw quite a few Linnet flitting about with a family of them feeding up on the fort walls

Young male Eider and gulls
I was a wee bit surprised to see a good sized flock of gulls, looked like Herring Gulls out on the point, around 50 of them! There had been a good sized flocks out on the water, looked like they were feeding, maybe all landed for a preen after?

There were also still a few Common Gulls nesting on the shore. Of course, they flew off as soon as I attempted to move any closer.

But, when I rounded the corner towards the back shore there was an even bigger flock of gulls gathered there, definitely mixed this time, a few Black-backed, lots of Herring but I don't know them well enough to differentiate any more, although there IS one at the front in the next shot that is either a young Black-headed or maybe Kittiwake?

Maybe a wee bit closer?

Maybe not :(

You can certainly see at least three Black-backed Gulls in that shot, I hoped they'd turn my way and fly by but nah, scattered to the four corners. So, on round the back, see what's to be seen. The flags were up for the ranges so I knew I wouldn't be going right round, sadly.
With the gulls all gone, I had a clear beach, not a soul about except for a fairly loud peep sound.

A Ringed Plover was making its way down the beach towards the shore, peeping away to draw my attention away from the nest no doubt. I spotted a youngster last year but further back, round the corner.

Lovely wee birds and I must admit, I walked up to the pebble line and stood for ages looking for another maybe sitting or a youngster but saw nothing. There was one other bird foraging around on the erm ..... rocks, a Rock Pipit.

Rock Pipit
I turned round eventually and headed back along the shore, not a lot going on, pretty dreich day and we were heading back South soon. That's when I noticed three birds on a ledge on the fort wall.

Now. I wasn't sure about these. A Common Gull with two young or a Common Gull and two young ..... something else? I have since worked out and been told they are Kittiwakes, which is a wee bonus.

Adult Kittiwake

Young Kittiwake

Young Kittiwake
Round onto the point again, when the tide is out, the beach there is lovely and no-one else around too. Way out in the distance I could see a bird bobbing....

A distant thing

Might be a Guillemot

Black Guillemot
A Black Guillemot bobbing about way out from Chanonry Point. I stood for a good while, just enjoying the peace, the sun even came out of a wee while, which is always nice. Back past the pond and three young Common Gulls were standing on the horizon of pebbles.

The two on the right look like they're having a natter. I spent a wee while trying to think of a caption for them?
On along the shoreline, see what I can see.

Godwit and Black-headed Gull
I hadn't seen any Terns at all, ;last time I was up there were lots of Sandwich Terns around but I now spotted a Common Tern or two.

I've not noticed that rusty thing before, or have I?
A wee flock of five Turnstones flew onto the shore as a I watched.

Turnstones on the shore
I hadn't noticed there were a few young gulls on the shore where I was standing but an adult Common Gull reminded me.

It was coming pretty close, too close for my long lens and it was doing it for a reason so, I cleared off. Further along, I may have done the same to an Oystercatcher pair, they started shouting and screaming so again, I checked my surroundings and moved away.

Back up onto the main area again, I walked back towards the car along the roadside, watching all the gorse and grass for any movement.

A Skylark landed not far away but took to the sky again as I got closer.

I cut through the Gorse and caught movement nearby.

Young Whitethroat
got a very brief glimpse of a young Whitethroat, which quickly disappeared again but moving on, an adult popped up very near and stood watching me.

It looked a wee bit unusual to me, quite a big bird and not at all scared by my closeness.

Like before, when I started my walk, there were quite a few LBJs around but not long enough to photograph so, back to the car and head for the hoose.

A very brief wander, sadly but we hope to be back up soon for a few days and enjoy some roasting sunshine ;)