As I've said before, I like to get up early-ish and head out with the cameras, nothing more relaxing than a peaceful morning walk on your own by the sea. I remember this morning because of the light, the clouds and the weather over the Black Isle.

Clouds and rainbow in early morning light
I took "quite a few" shots of that :) I also remember there were quite a few birds about and there will be more and more, I hope, as we move into Spring.

Dainty Redshank

Herring Gull...

... wandering along the shore

Did I mention the weather? Isn't that something? I vary my walks but I tend to wander round this Western shore if the flags are up or over the front of the Fort to the back shore if not.

Fort rainbow
There were a few Godwit around, I can never tell Bar-tailed from Black-tailed!

Every time I turned the weather was wonderful, I do like a good rainbow and dark ominous skies.

The fort is a fascinating building and I love all those bits and piece, remnant and remains from past structures, I wish I could get hold of som good photos of the air base.

Rainbow panorama