Christmas and New Year were spent in Perthshire this year so this first visit was to bring mam home again. We went out for an evening walk on this first day back, January 5th.

Waiting on a friend
The setting sun made a perfect shadow of the bench by the slipway, on the wall of the community garden, all it took was someone standing in the right place .... There are some stunning sunsets in Ardersier and some beautiful sunrises.
Just shows the variations in day length that this was taken at ten past three in the afternoon. We wandered along the shore, not a lot going on, just chatting and keeping warm :)
Then I spotted a Red-breasted Merganser just off the shore so I started getting photos until it heaved itself up onto the shore and settled down so, I wandered slowly closer...

Red-breasted Merganser male
These are not normally sociable birds and I've certainly never seen one allow me so close. There was a lot of foam on the shore, maybe something in the water? That said, on the return I looked for it and it was gone, maybe just knackered?

We just walked and nattered, along the shore and back through the Green Roadie to home and an early night.
January 6th and I always try to get up and out for a walk with the cameras unless the weather says no! I drove up to the fort and parked, still too chilly for the walk there, round and back, or just a lazy morning? ;)
I love to cross the greens at the front of the fort and have a look at the shore below, you never know right?

Black Isle morning in January
I do love weather. We're lucky, believe it or not to have changeable weather in this country and especially when you can see it coming. My daughter was raised in California and had never seen "weathering" as I call it. Love to see rain or snow happening, somewhere else of course :)
I could hear "honking" coming from somewhere above and beyond me and turned to see a small flock of geese heading my way, I think they were Pink-footed geese, can't remember already and it's only mid February!

Geese in the morning sky
Several flocks flew over, heading NE ish if I recall, that time of year, they're everywhere. I walk into the ranges, no red flags today, then down to the back shore as we call it, it's always quiet down there and I usually walk right round, tide allowing.

Panorama of the Black Isle and back shore
Did I mention I love weather? I also love a decent panorama shot, if it helps show the scene as fully as I could see it as far as is possible. This is almost a 180 degree view, I would carry on along the shore on the left side of the shot then around the point and back to the car park. All the broken up slipways and jagged wooden pilings sticking out of the ground fascinate me, I want to see what it looked like when it was still in use.

Rocky beach piled higher
There have obviously been some pretty high seas over the Winter so far, the rocky shore has been piled higher than it previously was but, that's interesting because you never know what might be uncovered? I've not found anything super interesting yet... well, maybe once.

Morning sky and watch tower
I count myself lucky that I have three hobbies that are easily combined; I love a good walk, I'm interested in the birds around us and photographing them and, photography! I can do all three at the same time or any one of them.

Looking back
It means I can walk, look and listen and photograph whenever the subject, light or mood takes me. It also means you end up walking with your head on a swivel, constantly checking everywhere.

Always looking for something.....

This made me think of dark days back when coal smoke filled the air and the cities were covered by smog and grime. Imagine what it must have been like living in the fort back when it was first built?

Those posts?????

Goldeneye & Red-breasted Merganser males
Not a lot going on this morning so far, bird wise that is, very quiet but it is January and pretty blooming chilly. I quite often stand out on the point on the little beach area and watch what's going on, going by and now and again, meet other folk from the village.

Passing Eider
There always seems to be Eider out there, can't quite remember but certainly at this time of year, there are usually a lot of them. I really have to practice panning and tracking, I'm terrible at it.
I do remember on this morning that I got a wee surprise out on the point. Remember the Merganser on the shore way back?
The Long-tailed ducks are around at the moment and as I started to make my way towards the car park again...

Long-tailed duck
A gorgeous wee Long-tail male dozing among the weed. Now I've never seen these close or on shore and as I moved around, working closer, I realised this bird must be ill sadly. Way too much of this happening now, we're slowly and very surely destroying everything we touch.

This beautiful Long-tailed duck male was just lying in the seaweed, barely awake, I guess he could have just been worn out after rough seas but I don't think he'd let me this close so sadly he's probably not well at all. As with the Merganser earlier, I saw no evidence later.

It was lovely to be able to get so close and I walked away feeling sad for the poor thing, maybe it felt better and swam away. Anyway, wandering back and still very quiet bird-wise but always an enjoyable walk.

Red-breasted Merganser male

Long-tailed duck male

Diving duck
Just to point out that these are diving ducks, their diet being mussels, cockles, clams, crabs and small fish. :)
Past the buildings and into the car park, heading back towards the shore, I spotted a Curlew standing near the edge.


Spotted me
here are always lots of Curlew around, plenty for them to forage for, their calls can be quite haunting in the twilight

Curlew closeup

Dozing Redshank and OystercatcherRed-breasted Merganser female

Dozing Redshank and Oystercatchers
And back to the car, a lovely quiet walk, not a lot of bird activity for me but there's always the sky, the scenery and the sea.
I did wander across the road that evening to catch the sunset.

Evening sunlight over Inverness
Watching the sun set just has to be one of THE most tranquil things we can ever do, I never tire of it. I have to add, I've also nearly frozen to death ;) watching the sun set lol

The clouds start to get in the way and cause more and more rays

15:42 - The sun is gone
Reminds me of a Muddy Waters song