OK, back to those Skua.
Aha! There they are! Spotted nearer Chanonry Point than my location but in action with the Sandwich Terns again.

They were all over the Tern, I assume it had a catch in its beak.

Both these birds can really fly and the Skua is quite a bit bigger than the Tern.
Then I noticed ....

Both Skuas on the Terns tail

Success? Looks like that lower Skua has something in its beak, the Tern gave up and dropped its catch?
Then I lost them again, back to scanning the sky and random 'gull shots.
I started working my way along the beach towards the back shore, grabbed a shot of a Swallow as it passed overhead, not the best shot in the world but possibly the only time I've managed to catch one in flight!

I was still keeping an eye on the Gannets, I think they're beautiful birds and I'd like to get some diving shots, maybe I need a visit to Bass rock.

One of those lucky coincidences to get a Tern passing through the shot.

Do you think Gannets always look really serious?

Meanwhile, over on Chanonry Point, "Is he taking our photo?"
Aha! There are the Skuas.

Distant Skua

Distant Skua - cropped closer
The two shots above are the same shot, the second has been cropped so the bird looks bigger and closer :) And they were at it again, chasing a Tern for its catch, I'm sure they'd save a lot of time and effort catching their own :)

The Tern dropped the sand eel and the lead Skua grabbed it out of the sea, I got the shots but they weren't great :(

I wouldn't mind betting these are a pair? Once again I lost sight of them, I guess they roam all over the bay looking for birds to bully.